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Graduate Schools

A. Statistics

Number of (e-)Dissertations in your Department/school

a) give the total number of theses for the years 2012, 2011, 2010, and 2009

b) give the total number of electronic theses for the years 2012, 2011, 2010, and 2009

c) give the number of open access electronic theses for the years 2012, 2011, 2010, and 2009

d) give the number of confidential theses for the years 2012, 2011, 2010, and 2009

e) give the number of embargoed theses (i.e. open access available after an embargo-period longer or equal 6 months) for the years 2012, 2011, 2010, and 2009

f) give the number of restricted available (e.g. only campus-wide even after an embargo) electronic theses fo the years 2012,2011,2010, and 2009

B. Open Access

1. Does your department/graduate school have an open access policy on its own?


2. If yes:

a) full mandate (theses have to be open access and are transferred online to the national library (France: ABES/STAR); exceptions have to be applied for) (yes/no)

b) weak mandate (recommendation for Open Access) (yes/no)

3. What is your opinion on Open Access?

- All Ph.D. theses should be freely available on the internet without any restrictions (open access, full mandate). (agree / not agree)

- Open access is a good thing but we should leave it up to the students to decide on the dissemination of their thesis. (agree / not agree)

- I think that PhD theses should not be published in open access.

- No opinion, indifferent.

C. Education

Do you offer regular courses and information to Ph.D.students on writing e-dissertations, including the legal situation on restrictions and embargos?

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